Needed and Neccessary Routines~ Amber Leech

Jan 12, 2015

The alarm goes off for the 3rd time this morning. I want to hit snooze just one more time, but I resist and fish my warm slippers out from under the bed, find the plush robe from the floor, and try not to wake the husband as I move into the cold bathroom to start the morning. I sometimes wish that I still drank coffee. It would give me something to start my day with, but peppermint tea will have to wait until the drive into work.

Most days are the same routine. I get up and get showered, so that the husband will have hot water in about an hour. After getting dressed and possibly doing hair and makeup, I move to the kitchen where I get breakfast and lunches together. Then I sit in the hand-me-down Lazy Boy with Jesus Calling and The Voice (the current version of the Bible that I am reading). I don’t like picking up my electronic versions in the morning as I often become lost in emails and texts that came in over the night, and my phone doesn’t get picked up until right before I leave the house.

I read the daily Jesus Calling and then move onto whatever is my current Bible pick. After 2 years I finally finished reading it through front to back, so I continue in Acts as I study the early Church. By the time I finish reading, the cat has joined me in the recliner, and I have relocated several times as he tends to sit on the book, rather than next to the person. This part of the day ends with quiet reflection in prayer, listening and handing my day and business over to God. It is a necessary part of my day. I miss it when I don’t have this time to look at what I am thankful for and reflect on where I will need extra guidance through the next 24 hours.

The morning routine picks up again when I hear the water start signaling that the husband has started his shower. It is then that I heat water for tea (Earl Grey for him, Peppermint for me) gather the last of my items for the day and finish getting my things together to leave the house. The pets are fed, the dog goes out, cars are pre-heated, and we leave to our sites of employment.

It is hard to get out of the cozy bed when the air is chilled, but I have learned what my body and spirit need to be functional. First and foremost is the quiet time in the mornings, second is my quiet time in the evenings. The evening routine is very different. It often involves getting out and walking or running to work off the day’s stress. There are many evenings where the husband and I have conversations regarding the origins of the Church as we know it, where the current Bible came from, and reactions to posts from Facebook (sometimes religious based, sometimes not). The day ends with him doing his quiet time while I listen to a rerun of a children’s cartoon to go to sleep.

I need these routines. My mind needs them. My body needs them and most of all my Spirit needs them. As this New Year is started at OAC, I challenge you to find your daily time to sit with God, even if just for a moment to recharge, prepare, and put on your armor for the day.

Happy New Year and praying God’s blessing through 2015!

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