Everyday Prayers for the School Year

A Prayer Journal, by Tara L. Cole

Moms know all too well that God doesn’t promise an easy road for us—or our kids. As much as we’d love to protect them from heartaches, it just isn’t possible. This is especially true during the school year, when they are introduced to new teachers, new classmates, new concepts, and maybe even a new school that seems big and frightening.

Jesus tells us, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). With this reassurance, we try to reassure our children that no matter what, God is there and He’s on their side.

And we pray.

A Free Gift for You

Download five free lock screens to kick off your child’s school year off on the right foot. Get prayers for friendships, teachers, and more!

In Everyday Prayers for the School Year, author Tara L. Cole offers devotional readings and opportunities for mothers to pray for many issues concerning their children, such as:

  • Are they making godly friends?
  • Are their teachers kind and caring?
  • Can they make wise choices in bad situations?
  • Will they commit to studying?
  • Are they being targeted by bullies?
  • If they are unprepared for a test, will they trust God or cheat?

No matter what our kids are facing during the school year, we can’t go wrong when we pray and teach them to pray too.

Our prayer is that they ultimately trust Him for their salvation, but even after they become Christians, they have the daily choice to trust God when they feel like they are standing alone and the circumstances look impossible.

Tara says, “My hope for this journal is that it will help moms turn their worry about their children’s school year into hope, that they take their concerns to God and walk away confident that He loves our kids more than we do. And He is in control.”

Step One:

Buy the book! It’s available at these online retailers:

Step Two:

Download your FREE Bookmark to remind you of the prayers in the book!

Step Three:

Join Book Club!

Beginning early September, our community will be praying through Everyday Prayers for the School Year together!

Click the link below to learn more!

School Year Resource Pack

Purchase the School Year Resources Pack and receive these resources to help your family continue to build a strong foundation of faith!

Bonus Chapter

Tara’s passion is helping women learn to abide in Christ. In this special bonus chapter, she helps you extend that passion to your children!

50 Ways List

Get ideas for how you and your children can spend more time with God in this curated list from Tara!

Audio Prayers

Enjoy each of the prayers from inside of Everyday Prayers for the School Year as Tara prays them out loud for you and your family!

Prayer Cards

Take the prayers from Everyday Prayers for the School Year on the road with you! Never be without the prayers you need for your children!

Podcast & Radio Appearances

Parenting & Career with Chronic Illness

Listen to Tara talk about being an author with David Heflin.

The God Story Behind Everyday Prayers for the School Year

How Tara became an author, & the story of how God created this book.

Podcasting & Chronic Fatigue

Learn how God can use difficult circumstances to still bring about our good and His glory. 

Check Back for More Coming Soon! 

Check back soon for more episodes about Everyday Prayers for the School Year.

What Are People Saying?


Tara understands the needs of moms today, and knows how to fight for them in prayer. She’s a faithful praying mom, and I can’t think of a better person to lead us on this journey.

– Brooke McGlothlin, author, Praying Mom


In this practical book, Tara equips us to be powerfully protective parents as she daily leads us through key prayer points that invite the Godhead into every aspect of our children’s lives.

– Kim Wahl, author, The Complaining Cure


Warm and reassuring, this book should be on every mom’s school supply list.

– Mary Carver, author, Prayers from the Parking Lot


Everyday Prayers for the School Year is the perfect resource moms need to help their children flourish both in and out of the classroom.

– Doris Swift, host, Fierce Calling Podcast


Tara Cole has written a thoughtful, encouraging, and very practical guide for every mom who wants to intentionally pray for her kids.

– Christie Thomas, author, Fruit Full


You will return to Everyday Prayers for the School Year over and over through the years and have a beauti- ful record of God’s faithfulness in the process.

– Stacey Thacker, author, Threadbare Prayer

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