Five Minute Friday: Connect

Aug 10, 2012


When I think of connect, I immediately think of my children. Lately, I’m being challenged to connect with them better. To really knell down and see them, to get to know them–each of them–for who they are.

This is hard for me the race through the day. Sometime I feel like I’m just pulling their little boats behind me in my wake. Bounce, bounce, bounce, we go here. Bounce, bounce, bounce, we do this. Whew! We survived once again.

I want to do more with my days than survive them. I want to connect with my children on a more intimate level and travel through our days side-by-side. Stopping to enjoy the little things. Lingering over ice cream here. Savoring my children’s laughter there. Playing hide-and-go-seek when he asks. I want our days to be about connecting in the moment, instead of surviving the day.

Do you find it hard to study the Bible?

It doesn’t have to be.

Let me help you learn a technique for studying that makes it simple. Join me as we study one chapter each week and memorize two verses of scripture each month.

You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.


  1. Aimee D

    love this…I so am longing for this to and becoming so much more grateful for the times I’ve ignored the dishes, dust, junk behind me and just sat with them in their space.

  2. joycannis

    I am constantly striving to connect in the moment. As mamas we have a lot of connecting to do! At times it is overwhelming to me. I love in your last paragraph where you talk about savoring your children’s laughter. I want to shhh them less and relish their little voices and laughter more. Thanks for your post.


    Such beautiful words. I can picture you running with kids in toe. How easy it is for us to live that way. I don’t have kiddos yet, but I find myself doing that with others. I pray my heart is as yours when I’m a mother, longing to connect with my babes; and taking steps to get there.
    Have a blessed weekend!

  4. Mrs. Kim

    Connecting with our children leaves them with such a precious commodity!

    Stopped by from FIve-minute Friday.

  5. Marissa D

    I totally understand what you are saying- the need to connect is huge, and yet the list of the day seem to often take over – I mean how else will things get accomplished. It’s a struggle to find balance, but I hear people do it – if you figure it out, please share the secret

    Marissa @

  6. Denise

    Enjoyed this.

  7. Hyacynth

    You spoke right to my heart with this one … the analogy of the boats trailing behind, weathering the bumps but never really getting anchored — so very good. Thanks for the inspiration to connect with those boys I love on a meaningful level!

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