Taking a small sabbatical : )

May 24, 2009

Okay, I think everyone’s heard, but for those who haven’t….We’re going to be parents! Yeah! We’re so excited! However, I’ve been so nauseous lately that I can’t read or write, which makes posting here really difficult. So until I begin to feel better, which should hopefully be in a month at the latest, I will continue taking a break from the blog : (

I will be back when I’m feeling better, though. I have so many ideas and notes I want to share. I’m also not planning on this turning into a baby blog. You’ll need to see facebook for those postings, though I will put info here from time to time.

Well, you should get another e-mail when I’m back in business. ttfn till them.

God Bless,


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1 Comment

  1. RachelSoper

    This is no longer a small sabbatical.

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