Daily Crossroads

Oct 28, 2009

“Thus says the LORD: ‘Stand by the crossroads, and look; and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.’” Jer. 6:16

When I first heard this verse, I heard it as a song sung by Waterdeep. We had it as the song in our wedding when we lit the unity candle. At that time, I felt that the song and the verse referred to big crossroads in life such as marriage. It is only now, as I take another look at it 8 years later, that I realize these kinds of crossroads appear in our path daily. Ones like: will I choose to depend on and trust God or myself? What is the “good way” he has planned for me this day?

Those two questions have been a revelation to me lately. As I was telling some friends this weekend, I’m pretty self sufficient. I’m terrible at going over my schedule in the morning and then pushing through it to the exclusion of anything else, even other people. Though, now that I am pregnant and no longer have even the illusion of the stamina needed to push through, God is constantly encouraging me to get my schedule from him. Encouraging me to look to him for my strength and rest instead of depending on myself or what I think I know.

That decision is one I have to make on a daily basis. The decision to stand at the crossroads every morning and ask him what he has planned for me this day. To make the choice to depend on him and to trust him to know my responsibilities and to make me aware of the best way to accomplish them.

Often, I find his ways are not mine. He is much more relationship oriented than I am, but I find that even when I put relationships first and follow his leading, everything gets done just fine. So, now, here I stand, asking what is the “good way” is for today…

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