Friday Favs: The Busy Mom’s Guide to Prayer

Feb 25, 2012

Busy Mom's Guide to Prayer: A Guided Prayer Journal (Motherhood Club)I was going to wait until I was finished to review this book, but I’m enjoying it so much I just have to tell you about it now.

It’s called The Busy Mom’s Guide to Prayer by Lisa Whelchel. Lisa was “Blair” on the Facts of Life but now she’s a writer and co founder of MomTime Ministries, an organization that is passionate about helping moms recharge themselves and reconnect with God to be better mothers.

I love this book for several reasons. First, it’s organized by “Day 1…Day 2…etc” instead of by dates. That organization helps me to start and stop where I need to, so I don’t feel guilty if I can’t get to it everyday. Second, it divides each day up into small one pages sections on different prayer topics. Some of them being Praise, Self, Husband, and Children. Each section begins with a Prayer focus for the day on that topic and a Scripture Inspiration. Then those are followed by a Praying the Word short prayer and a Prayer Prompt to help you spring board into your own prayer on that topic. Every other page has these same sections, but they are blank so you can fill them in with your own topics, verses, and prayers.

What I love most about this book is that I can pick it up for a few minutes and it helps me to pray about a different need under each topic each day. For example under Praise, day 1 is Holiness, day 2 is Mercy and so on. It can take as much time or as little time as I have. I don’t need to devote 30 min to an hour for each day. In just 10 min I can pray through all the topics Lisa has listed. If I have more time, I can expand on the topics with my own thoughts and prayers or even add my own. Being a writer, I also like that there is room for me to write if I want to, but I don’t have to.

If you would like a book that helps you find more time to pray specific prayers each day, I would highly recommend this book. I really love it, and I think you will, too!

*Disclaimer: All these thoughts are my own. I have not been given this material by the company or paid  for this review. If you click on the links in this post, I will not be compensated for your purchase. I have found this material helpful in my own walk with God and just wanted to pass it on to you.

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