Rely on God in the little things

Jun 29, 2012

This is a post I wrote in November of 2010 but never posted. For me it’s message is as timely now as it was then. I hope it encourages you, too…

This past weekend, we went to Kailua to go to the beach. It’s supposed to be one of the the best beaches in the US, and we were pretty excited to check it out. As we got to Kailua, we stopped by Kalapawai Market to pick up some sandwiches for lunch and then headed on to the beach.

For such a popular beach, we found out that it had very little parking. And we found ourselves in a line of cars circling the tiny lot for parking spots. As we were looking, I remembered that in the book I’m reading, God’s Hands in the Life of an Electrician by Jimmy Yamada, that he talks about how we should depend on God in our lives in both big things and small things, including parking spots. So I thought, “Okay, God, I’ll try it,” and I sent up a quick prayer that we would find a spot.

Just a few moments later, the car in front of us passed by the front corner of the parking lot and a group of people walked to down to a car parked there. They saw us and motioned that they were leaving and did so quite quickly, which was strange considering how most people have a ton of beach gear to pack up. We pulled into the spot and realized that it was THE best spot in the lot. Right up front by the beach, sidewalk, and bathrooms. I guess God’s “abundantly more” even applies to parking spots : )

Though, this seems a small thing, with Ethan and all our beach gear, it would have been a real hassel to have to walk very far to the beach. However, considering other areas of life, it was still not huge. But it did do huge things for my faith. There are a lot of areas right now where I have no idea what God’s plans for the future look like. Right now many plans are changing weekly if not daily. God showing up even in something as small as a parking spot served to reassure me that He’s here, and He’s more than capable of coming through in the big things as well.

So maybe if you’re struggling with some big issues today, stop and ask God to come through in the small issues, too. He doesn’t have to show up when we ask, and I don’t believe he’s up there reserving all of us good parking, but just maybe he’ll find you a parking spot, too, and strengthen your faith along the way.

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