Ephesians ~ Week 5

Oct 29, 2012

Wow! This week we are half way through our study of Ephesians. It is going so fast, and I’m learning so much from those of you participating in the study. Thank you for your comments and insights!

As I read over this week’s verses, I’m once again amazed at how Paul packs in so much into so little. This week we end chapter three where he is wrapping up his discussion of Christ’s mystery with a prayer.

This prayer rocks my world. One idea really catches my attention. We don’t have to do anything on our own strength anymore! Instead, we can ask Christ to strengthen us. To strengthen us to the calling his given us, the path he’s led us on, or in this case “to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in [my] inner being.” It never occurred to me to pray for inner strength from Him.

I’m sure Paul meant this strength for monumental tasks, but honestly, I’ve started using this type of prayer whenever I begin to hear the track running through my mind, “I can’t do this. I can’t do this!” Being the mother of two young boys (maybe that is a monumental task), this is a daily occurrence. I’ve started interrupting this track with a prayer, “God, please strengthen me to do what you’ve set before me today. Please give me the strength I need (and patience) to do this.”

Daily I need that strength in my inner being from Him. Daily.

My challenge for you this week is to think of areas of your life you’ve neglected to cover in prayer, and pray over them. Don’t save prayer for only the “big things.” You can’t save it up, and it never runs out. Thus Paul’s charge to “Pray without ceasing!” (1 Thes. 5:17).

Additional Resources

I Cor. 12-13 (on being one but many and, of course, love)


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