“…Instead let there be thanksgiving”

Nov 21, 2012

Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. ~Eph. 5:4

Quick Sip

My reading in Ephesians 5 last week talked about replacing our negative speech with thankfulness and song. I’m thankful for this reminder since during the holiday time everyone is pretty stressed and it is really easy to fall into a negative speech rut. So today, since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, I’m going to take the time to write out some of the things I’m thankful for this year. Here are just a few…

  • Thankful that I was born after Christ so I can live life through the power of the Holy Spirit and not on my own strength.
  • Old friends who let me come home when all the new becomes overwhelming
  • New friends who welcome us even though our time may be temporary
  • Two healthy happy little boys whom I get to spend each day with
  • A loving husband who works hard to provide for his family
  • A husband who crazy loves his sons and me and shows it daily
  • Living in a country where it is safe to disagree
  • Hot coffee in the morning in my favorite cup
  • Family who loves me just as I am
  • Time to get away and spend time with family and relax!

Full Cup

Phil. 4:6
Eph. 5:17-20
Psalms 50:23
Psalms 116:17

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