What is my purpose?

Jan 23, 2013

To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus called to be saints…God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. ~ I Cor. 1:2-9

Quick Sip

As we’re growing up and especially in the late teen/ early 20’s years, we all ask at some point, “What is my purpose? Who should I be when I grow up? What is my calling?”

Sometimes God does have a very specific answer to these questions like he did with John the Baptist and Paul. When he does, I have no doubt that he will break into your life in someway and let you know of that calling. He will leave little room for doubt.

On the other hand, I think most of us are called to one purpose: To fellowship with God and to serve and bring him praise right where we find ourselves every day. Yes, we should seek out jobs and careers that use the talents he’s given us to best serve others, but I don’t think we should put our lives on hold while we wait to find our “calling.”

Take for example Ruth. Really she was simply faithful and obedient in the day-to-day tasks set before her. She was extraordinarily faithful when she stayed with Naomi, but other than that she didn’t do anything spectacular. She was simply obedient. And for her obedience in the day-to-day of life, she became the Great-grandmother of David.

Or think of the shepherds and Simeon in Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth. They did nothing extraordinary. They were simply faithfully carrying out the tasks God set before them, and they were rewarded with seeing the new born baby Jesus and telling others about him.

So I think that instead of seeking THE task God has just for me, I will simply be faithful. I’ll be faithful to the tasks he sets before me today and obediently walk through the doors he opens in front of me. I will seek him out to fellowship with him daily, so I may better learn how to be the saint he calls me to be in order to draw others to him. Because when it comes to the end that is my true purpose and calling, so one day I may hear, “Well done.”

Full Cup

Luke 1:76-79 ~ John the Baptist
Gal. 1:15-16 ~ Paul
Luke 2:8-20 ~ The shepherds
Luke 2:25-35 ~ Simeon
Matt. 28:19-20


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