Fiction Friday ~ Here

Apr 12, 2013


“….we both know here is where you belong. Your family has been the backbone of this town for generations. You love it here! And when you’re out there on your horse, Blue, looking after the cattle on your ranch…The way you see God there. It’s amazing!

But I see God in the eyes of the orphans that I get to sit with and play with. I see Him in the babies that I hold. Do you know that I’m the only cuddle some of them get all day? They need me there, Will, and you’re needed here.”

“When I read your blog post, Sarah, I could see the places you visited. I could hear the children playing. I was shocked to read that you had already committed to go back for three years. Why didn’t you ask me first? Why didn’t you discuss it?” Will said, taking her hand.

Sarah pulled her hand away and walked back to the table…

Fiction Friday is for me to have fun and get back in the habit of writing fiction. I hope you enjoy it! To check out the previous installments of this story click here. The first one is at the bottom.

I’m using the Gypsy Mama’s Friday prompts to get me started. Every Friday writers join together at for Five Minute Friday. One word, five minutes, no editing, and no back tracking. Come join the fun!

Do you find it hard to study the Bible?

It doesn’t have to be.

Let me help you learn a technique for studying that makes it simple. Join me as we study one chapter each week and memorize two verses of scripture each month.

You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.


  1. Liz J

    I’m intrigued to hear how the rest of that conversation went 🙂
    linking up from the gypsy mamma!

  2. Ashley Osborn

    This is a cool spin in 5 Minute Friday! I never thought to do that, but I love it! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Denise

    Enjoyed this.

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