Finding Rest ~ SOAP on Matt. 11:28-30

Jun 8, 2013


“Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” ~ Matt. 11:28-30


  • We just need to come
  • All are welcome those who labor and are laden with heavy burdens. No one is excluded.
  • HE will give us rest
  • We can choose to take his yoke or not to take it. It isn’t forced upon us.
  • We can choose to learn from him or to ignore what he says.
  • He is a gentle master. He will be much more gentle with us than we are with ourselves and each other.
  • HE promises when we come, take, and learn HE will give us rest.
  • His yoke is an easy one to bear and his burden is light, much lighter than the one I place on myself by my misguided priorities.


My application is that despite how busy and overwhelmed I feel, I need to continue to come. His priorities, his yoke, and his burden is so much lighter and easier than the one I force myself to bear. The one that says my house needs to be fixed and done now! The one that says I need to be a better mother. The one that says I need to give, give, give. The one that says everything needs to be unpacked tomorrow. The one that says to spend time with the boys and do, do, do. His priorities and burden are so much more do able. They bring rest not stress.

But as always He gives me a choice. A choice to come, take, and learn or the choice to chase after my own ideas of perfection and what makes a good me, a good mom.


God, please help me to come to you. Give me such a desire for you that I can’t help but come. I know that only in you can I find rest. Can I find true, lasting peace. That when I “seek first your kingdom” only then will “all these things be added.” But I don’t even want that to be the goal of my coming. I want you to be the goal. Knowing you more. “Knowing you, Jesus, knowing you. There is no greater thing. You’re my all. You’re the best…” I want to know you more. To come, take, and learn. Because only then will my priorities be in line with yours and will I find true rest.

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