God is There!

Jun 26, 2013

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. ~ 2 Cor. 4:17

Quick Sip

While I was doing my quiet time this morning and pondering heaven and what it would be like, the thought came to me, “It doesn’t matter. I only need to know God will be there.”

This thought reminded me of how I’ve been feeling this week without Jeremy. Even though we’re in a house that works great for our family, without Jeremy I found myself thinking, “I want to go home.” Then I would immediately think, “Hey! I am home.” But the truth is without him, it seems a bit empty. The same and more can be said of heaven, without God it would be nothing, but with him it is everything.

Think back to when you were a newly wed. That excitement, that “we can conquer the world together” feeling. It didn’t matter if you lived in a shoe box as long as you were together.

Again, the same can be said of heaven. We can be fairly certain from the Bible it will be no shoe box apartment, but it really doesn’t matter. In heaven we will finally be with God. The goal of our souls will be accomplished and we can rest at peace in his presence. I can’t wait! Can you?
Full Cup

John 14:1-3
Mark 16:20
Rev. 4

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