Five Minute Friday ~ Lonely

Aug 9, 2013

Today I’m taking a break from Fiction Friday in order to do more research, but you can find all the installments of that story here. The first post is at the bottom.

Today I’m going to write for Five Minute Friday with and the gang as a non-fiction post. Let’s see what comes out, shall we…


How can someone with friends, good friends, scattered all over the world feel so lonely at times. Maybe it’s because I long for, we long for, friends who are here, now, to get into the cracks and crevices of our days. Those who can see the harried look in our eyes as we fall into the back pew at church and just lean over and give us a hug. Those who we see around town and can wave to and feel at home even in a big city. Those who we grow with and grow up with every week during small group.

Yes, I have many friends, good friends I can all or email and say, “Hey, how are you doing?” and it feel like old times or even a few months ago. And yet in this new place, I still long for every day blue jean and no make up friends who love me just the way I am.

I know this takes time, and the funny thing is it takes just reaching out and saying, “Hi.” Some of my best friends in the last few years have come from me being brave enough to just look up at church and say, “Hi!” to someone it didn’t know or know well….

Do you find it hard to study the Bible?

It doesn’t have to be.

Let me help you learn a technique for studying that makes it simple. Join me as we study one chapter each week and memorize two verses of scripture each month.

You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.


  1. Rachel Q

    Stopping by from FMF – Love that line: “I still long for every day blue jean and no make up friends who love me just the way I am.”

    Yes, being brave pays off! 🙂

    Great post! Thanks!

  2. Holly

    Hi Tara,

    I have those days too, where it would be great to actually sit down with good friends face-to-face; to share the struggles, joys and dreams we have. To have that deep connection and know we are loved…I pray you will soon find your every day blue jean friends!
    (thanks for visiting my blog too!)

  3. Anita Ojeda

    Stopping in from FMF 🙂 and looking up to say ‘Hi’ ;). I recently moved to a new state–ok, it’s been a year–but I totally understand the longing for familiar friends–and then I realize that those familiar friendships didn’t develop overnight. They, too, took time and effort. May God lead you to the friends you need!

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