God’s Work Ethic

Sep 30, 2013

It seems God is after me again. The last two years were about learning where my real home is. This season seems to be to learning to sit still and listen. Two verses that keep coming to mind are:

Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth. ~ Psalms 46:10

The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still. ~ Exodus 14:14

On one lesson, I’m willing to be still, though it’s hard. On the other…honestly, I’m going kicking and screaming. You see, I have my time table for this situation in my head, and I know from experience God’s time table usually looks nothing like mine.

Then God reminded me of His work ethic. Did you know that Paul was a Christian at least 11 years before he went on his first missionary journey!? Then he worked for about 20 years. Jesus was 30 years old when He began his ministry and only “worked” three. And it was 15 years from the time Samuel anointed David until he actually became king.

From our perspective, that looks like a lot of wasted time. Just think what those men could have done with more time in those positions. But from God’s perspective it was just right. God used that time to grow in them the lessons they would need in order to serve Him mightily later on.

I know all this, but I don’t want to hear it some days, especially when it looks like God’s time table and mine differ greatly.

I know you, too, are in a waiting place and have been for awhile. I know it seems like you’re caught up in the daily grind and will never find your niche. But you will, my friend. I’m just sure God is growing you during this time, too.

The hardest part is learning to come to Him each day to and learn, and most importantly, learn in this season to “only be still.”

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