A Word About Quiet Times ~ Cindy Cain

Jan 20, 2014

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”  Psalms 27:14

One of the most difficult activities for me is to wait.  There are times in life when I feel strong. It is during these times in my quiet time that I am able to “break new ground,” getting new insights from the scriptures.  However, there also are times when life knocks me down – there is grief work to do, my old way of being is no longer working for me, or there is new growth that needs to take place.  These scenarios take an enormous amount of energy. It is times like these that I feel like I am in the waiting place.  I have the desire to accomplish big things for God, but I find that I can hardly drag myself out of bed in the morning.  

During times like these, breaking new ground is not even an option. I have discovered that when I feel as though I have lost my song, I can borrow someone else’s song. During those times I maspend my quiet time listening to my favorite genres of Christian music, spend time in the Psalms, read the lyrics or sing some of the songs from an old hymnal and think about the meanings, or simply sit with God.  I have come to learn that my daily quiet time with God does not always have to look the same. God is accomplishing his work in me at all times, even when I do not see or feel it.

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