Blessings in the face of hardships ~ Amber Leech

Aug 11, 2014

I said to myself, “Relax and rest. God has showered you with blessings. Soul, you’ve been rescued from death; Eye, you’ve been rescued from tears; And you, Foot, were kept from stumbling.” ~ Psalm 116:7-8 (MSG)

In all honesty I’m struggling to write a posting this week. I usually try to be happy and encouraging, and I just don’t feel very happy or encouraging today. Lately, I have been feeling like a failure. I’ve been feeling like a bad business owner because I can’t keep up with all the technical stuff that I was never trained in. I’ve been feeling like a bad wife because of the lack of encouragement and “help mate” I have been to my spouse. I feel like I can’t do anything right. My cousin is on child number four, and I can’t have kids. We have been trying to find a house with land for months and nothing is turning up. I can’t even eat dessert at a restaurant without it throwing me into such an emotional spin that I am crying and angry for the next 12 hours (don’t you just love food allergies?)

And then I look at Facebook. I get hit in the face with how good I have it. I am not being persecuted for my beliefs, I had food to eat today, and I will have food tomorrow. I don’t have friends or relatives being killed by extremist groups or a husband fighting a deadly disease. I have it easy. I read once that if you tossed your problems into a pile with the rest of the world then you would take yours back. I’m pretty sure that for most of us this is true.

While I have my moments of getting mad at God because life isn’t fair. I need to remember the blessings that he has given me:

A wonderful husband that gives me space when I need it
A job where I am my own boss
A reliable car
A great rental home with wonderful landlords
The freedom to spend several weeks in another country to minister to others
A career that allows me to touch other’s lives daily

Yeah, I’m blessed.

“Count your blessings name them one by one, count your blessings see what God hath done”.

Laura Story: “Blessings”  

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