10 Summer Bible Study Ideas

May 18, 2015

summer bible study ideas

I’ve have learned so much from our study of Hope for the Weary Mom over the last couple of months in our Over A Cup Facebook group. Through your comments, I’ve learned I’m not alone on this mom journey. Many of you feel just as weary and strung out as I do, but through it all, we desire to seek God and connect with him to find hope.

If you missed out on this study, you can still pick up a copy of Hope For the Weary Mom, and even join their Facebook group to find more encouragement. You can also find out information about all things HOPE on their website.

This summer I’m going to take a break from facilitating a study to better prepare for our study of Search for Significance this Fall. Search for Significance is about overcoming our desire to people please and learning to base our significance and worth on what God says about us. I read this book about 10 years ago, and it was life changing. It really helped me to stop focusing on trying to please everyone around me, even the random people in the grocery store, and to focus my attention on the only one who really matters. I hope you’ll join us for this study in the Fall, and more information will be coming out about it through the summer months. If you want to go ahead and get a jump on our Fall study, you can pick up a copy on Amazon or wherever books are sold, you’ll need the book and workbook. If you have a copy of the 1998 Revised edition, that one will work, too.

Even though we’re not doing an official study this summer, I don’t want to leave you on your own. To stay connected over the summer months, I’m going to start using the hash tag #quiettimeinsights. As you have insights during your daily quiet time, you can hash tag them on Facebook or Twitter using the #quiettimeinsights tag, and we can all see what God’s teaching all of us. You can post as little or as much as you want and when you click on the hash tag in your own posts, you’ll be taken to the page so you can see what everyone is posting and there reply to others ideas and insights. Cool huh?!



I know it can be hard to find a study to keep up with, especially during the busy summer months, so I’ve looked for some quick studies that will still give you something to take into your days. Here is a list of some of my favorites and some online studies that will be available:

  1. How to be FREE by Jennifer Gerhardt at GodScout.com: I just love this study! For just $12 you get a 40 day study delivered right to your inbox that takes you through the book of Exodus. While you’re studying the Isrealits journey to freedom, Jennifer encourages you to become free yourself from those things that hold you captive in slavery be it addictions, thoughts, or habits. Each day you’ll receive an email with the reading for the day, insights, study questions, and more. If you’re struggling to find freedom in an area of your life, I can’t recommend this study enough. You can find the link for the study toward the bottom of the page.
  2. MOBSociety Tribe: The MOB Society Tribe is a program to provide you with even more resources on your boy mom journey. For $5 a month they give you…. and more. My favorite part of the Tribe membership is the Praying for Boys calendar and accompaning study guide. In the study guide they give you a verse for the day to pray over your boys and family and then space to “Think,” “Pray,” and “Do.” I really like this set up and think it’s the one I’ll be using this summer.
  3. A Psalm and a Proverb: If you need something easy and free, you might consider reading a Psalm and a Proverb a day. Or just reading one chapter of Proverbs a day. That would get you through the whole book twice during the summer. When I do studies like these, I like to ask God to open my eyes to his truths before I begin each day, so I can see the verses in a new way.
  4. S.O.A.P: You could also choose a favorite book of the Bible and S (Scripture) O (Observation) A (Application) P (Prayer) your way through it. I love this method of Bible study because it helps me to interact with the verses in a whole new way and gives me insights I’ve missed before.
  5. LoveGodGreatly.com Psalms 119 study: I really love this websites’ studies. They use the SOAP method to study different parts of the Bible, along with the added benefit of community, blog posts and videos, daily reading plans, and much, much more! If you’re in need of a community to help keep you on track, this is a great one to be involved in!
  6. Proverbs 31 Ministries: is doing a books study this summer of The Mended Heart, by Suzanne Eller. This is what they say about the book, “Your past may have shaped you, but it doesn’t have to define you. Learn how to move forward and find healing for your deepest hurts…” You can join their study here on their Online Bible Studies Page.
  7. YouVersion App: Your YouVersion Bible app also has many, many studies available on a wide variety of topics. They nice thing about these studies is that they can send you notifications each day to remind you to take time for God. Brilliant, right?!
  8. Jesus Calling: I love this book for the insights it gives and how it encourage one to listen to God’s voice. If you’re in need of a quick, easy study this summer then this one is great! It gives you depth and something to take with you through your day, without taking up time moms often don’t have.
  9. Busy Mom’s Guide to Bible Study or Busy Mom’s Guide to Prayer by Lisa Whelchel: If you’re wanting to learn more about Bible study or Prayer this summer, these books are a wonderful place to start! They lead you through three months of study. The first month Lisa holds you hand and guides you through the basics of Bible Study or Prayer. Then second month, she let’s you do more on your own with a little guidance, and by the third month you’re cruising on your own with guideposts along the way if you need them. They are a great way to ingrain these habits in your daily walk and learn a lot along the way.
  10. Praying for Boys and Praying for Boys Companion Guide by Brooke McGlothlin, and A Parent’s Book of Prayers by Tony Wood: If you’re wanting to learn to intentionally prayer scripture over your children this summer, these books are great places to start! Praying for Boys is divided into chapters by topics like self-control, love, patience, heart, and more. In each chapter Brooke gives some brief insights and then 10 scripture inspired prayers. Then in the Companion Guide, Brooke teaches you how to write your own prayers based on scripture. In A Parent’s Book of Prayers, Tony give a year of prayers for our children over a variety of topics. Each day has a verse and then a prayer for our children to go along with that verse.

No matter what study you decided on, you may need somewhere to write down your thoughts and prayers. In truth any old notebook with do and currently I’m using a good ole’ Composition Notebook that you can get for less than a dollar at Walmart. This summer, though, I’m going to treat myself to something pretty that helps inspire me to show up each day. I found this beautiful journal from Studio Oh!  and wanted to share it with you.

I love it so much, I’d like to giveaway one to one of you. So until Friday you can enter for a chance to win one! Just comment here with what you’ll be studying for your daily quiet time this summer, and we’ll have a drawling on Saturday for the winner.

Remember, as you study this summer, please join us at #quitetimeinsights and let us know what God is revealing you. Love you all!

God Bless,



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Do you find it hard to study the Bible?

It doesn’t have to be.

Let me help you learn a technique for studying that makes it simple. Join me as we study one chapter each week and memorize two verses of scripture each month.

You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.


  1. Fide Jones

    I plan to read a chapter of Proverbs a day and participate in the #quiettimeinsights through Facebook. Thanks for putting together the list above Tara!

    • Tara

      That’s a great idea, Fide! There is so much good stuff in Proverbs. I can’t wait to read what you share on the #quiettimeinsights tag!

  2. Melody Joy

    I atm thinking I will SOAP my way through Romans, and I am going to try to finish a book I’ve had on hand for some time now, Transforming the Inner Man.

    • coffeewriter14@gmail.com

      Romans is one of my favorite books, Melody! I bet that will be a great study. I haven’t heard of that book yet. You’ll have to let me know how you like it.

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