How You Can Help Sex Trafficking Victims Today {The Demand Project}

Nov 6, 2015

Sex Trafficking Trapped Girl


Sex Trafficking is a hard topic. It’s hard to talk about, to read about, to believe it’s happening just a few miles away.

Just like you, I have wanted to walk away. As I have read about girls being gang raped and drugged so they would be compliant, and children sexually abused by parents and videos of the abuse being posted online, I have wanted to cover my ears, squeeze my eyes tight and pretend it’s not real. That it’s happening somewhere else, to someone else, and not women and children right here in my city.

It is happening right here in my city and yours to women and children just a few miles away.

But there is something you and I can do. Those women and children need our help, and helping is not as hard as we might think.

On Saturday, October 24th, I went to Riverside Crossing in Jenks, OK, to do the Walk for Justice with The Demand Project. I had never done a walk before and almost didn’t go. I was so nervous as I walked into the event! It was kind of chilly, I had baby with me, and I had no idea what to expect.

I went anyway and was moved by what I learned.

The Demand Project is doing so much to help women and children right here in Tulsa! They are involved in all parts of the prevention to restoration equation helping the victims of child exploitation and sex trafficking to become survivors.

The Demand Project’s story began in 2004 when the founders, Jason and Kristin Weis, heard a news story about a man sexually abusing his 3 year old daughter and then posting it online for others to watch. They were moved to action, picked up their family and move to Oklahoma, so they could receive the training they needed to fight against child exploitation and trafficking. As a result, the Weis formed The Demand Project.

They fight this battle in several ways. One is to educate children, teens, and parents on the risks in the apps and websites they use everyday. The Demand Projects also works with agencies on the front lines who troll the internet to catch child predators.

Kristin herself is a licensed professional counselor who goes with the police to crime scenes and is there waiting to help the girls as soon as they are rescued, and Jason even became a Jenks police officer last year to continue the fight from that side.

But at the walk and from their website I also learned they need our help. We don’t have go on the streets to help. Sometimes it is simple things like filing paperwork, setting up an event, scheduling a presentation, and writing a newsletter. The Demand Project has many, many, behind the scenes jobs where you can help today, learn more on their website “What You Can Do” page.

They also need your donations, I know it doesn’t feel like much. It often just feels like we’re throwing money at a problem, but the more I talk to advocates for child exploitation and sex trafficking the more I see just how much your money does help. These are not organizations that are on the government’s payroll. To fight they need your money to allow them to get the word out, support those who are busting down doors and rescuing victims, and to care for the victims after they are rescued.

They cannot do it alone.

Whenever I question my ability to help, God brings to mind a girl a few miles down the road who is trapped in a hotel room being given drugs so she is compliant for the many men she will see today. He reminds me Jesus took the little boy’s loaves and fish and feed thousands. He can do so much with a willing heart. Pray about it and give your little to God.

We cannot abandon those who have no choice to walk away. {Tweet That!}


Today here is where you can get involved

In Oklahoma:

The Demand Project

DaySpring Villa

In South Texas:

Tamar’s Tapestry

In Tennessee:

Thistle Farms

In Florida and Illinois:

Sela Freedom

For other organizations in your area see National Human Trafficking Resource Center.


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