To The One Who Didn’t Get Away

Jun 20, 2016

I hesitate to write this post. My purpose is to show that good men are out there. Many times I hear women talking negatively about their husbands, how they are lazy, useless, or negative influences in the home. My husband is not perfect on any measures (though if you ask him he is “pure of heart”), and we don’t have the perfect marriage, but I can admit, I have a pretty good guy. I imagine many of you do, too.

Here is to the one who didn’t get away. To the one who brings me flowers (and my favorite adult beverage) when I start my day at the vet with sick dogs and have to bury a farm kitten before going into 6 client sessions. To the one who didn’t laugh at me for needing him because we lost a kitten who I had only had for a week, or mock me for being stressed about a sick dog that both went to the vet “just in case.” He simply loved me.

Here is to the one who smirks when I add one more thing to my already busy schedule, only to be there to load my truck with everything needed for my next party, or client, or event. He knows what to load for each not because I have told him, but because he pays attention.

Here is to the one who loves me on days that I am working through another wave of emotional healing and am filled with anger towards no one in particular. I have cursed at him, yelled at him, and told him I don’t want him anywhere near me. He says nothing, but will pick up a Mexican Cola for me on his way home from work the next day.

Here is to the one who makes plans for San Antonio trips with a backstage look at the Penguins. He doesn’t care about penguins, he cares about me. To the one who does laundry on weekends because I am running around with one of my many businesses. The one who cleans the kitchen and makes dinner plans. To the one who mows our lawn and gets estimates for gutters, even though he doesn’t think we need them.

Here is to the one who will make an 18 hr round trip in one day to pick up a Golden Retriever. The one who supports me in running halfway across Texas to rescue a mule. The one who meets me for lunch when I have a cancellation. The one who says “whatever you want babe” when I ask about ordering books, or shoes, or whatever I feel I need.

Here is to the ones who goes to work every day at a job they may not love because they love their family. To the ones who stay home and watch sick kids, so their wives can work that day instead. To the ones who drive a worn out vehicle, so we can drive the safer one. To those who tell us when we are wrong and hold us accountable.

Here is to the ones who set healthy boundaries for us, when we can’t seem to say “no” ourselves. To the ones who are at ball games and parties. To the ones who quietly do what a Husband is to do in leading his family. The ones who don’t get much recognition in social circles as everyone else is complaining.

Here is to the good guys, the ones that didn’t get away.

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1 Comment

  1. Rhonda

    Love this! I have one of those, too.

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