Sometimes when I read the Bible, it is hard to make connections or to understand what I’m reading. This is where I love Stacey Thacker’s Girlfriends Guide to the Bible series.
In her newest book in the series, When Grace Walks In, she leads us on a study of Ephesians.
Each chapter begins with readings from Ephesians and other books of the Bible. Then throughout each chapter through the use of stories, other authors, scripture, and her insights, Stacey unlocks God’s message in Ephesians and teaches us how to do the same.
As we read, we learn how one part of scripture can add depth to another. We also learn how what we read in the Bible applies to not just those living during that time but also to our lives today.
And isn’t that what we really need? Jesus to intersect our lives on Monday?

At the end of each chapter, Stacey includes study questions to help us make connections and grow in our own walk with God. Finally, she ends each chapter with verses to memorize to help encourage us to hide the truth we’ve learned in our hearts.
If you’d love to read the Bible and know Jesus more, but feel like you need a friend to guide you, or even if you’re pretty comfortable reading the Bible but would like additional insight into God’s Word, order When Grace Walks In by Stacey Thacker. Click here to order.
If you’d like to learn more about the whole Girlfriends Guide to the Bible series check out its website linked here!
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