{God Story} Shonda Knowlton – Reversal of Destiny

Feb 10, 2020

On my last Bible study day in Esther, we had a sharing session.  I didn’t think anything of it and was not planning to share, but as I got to thinking about the amazing story of Esther and what I had learned through it, God prompted me to share my “Reversal of Destiny” story.  So here it is… 

In April 2006, my husband had a back injury that put him out of work for 2 years.  We had been married almost 2 years and in that time he had been looking for a full-time job that would allow me to stay home when we had children.  I was currently working as a Kindergarten teacher at Cascade Christian School. After Jeremy’s injury, he was unable to work and stayed home for a year taking care of his back.  During this time we started getting compensation from Labor and Industries (L & I) It wasn’t much, but enough. We kept praying and praying for his back to heal.  

In June 2007, Jeremy started a worker retraining program at Clover Park Technical College for Environmental Science.  He was an awesome student. Halfway through the program, he started again to look for work. His back was better- Praise the Lord! He still had to be careful, but he felt he could find a job with his limitations.  He had several interviews, but God wasn’t ready to give him a job. 

Then in March 2008, we found out that we were pregnant.  A flood of fears entered my heart as I thought, “If my husband does not have a job, I will have to leave my baby in daycare and work.”  We always wanted for me stay home if we had children. I really relied on Psalm 121:1-2, “I lift my eyes toward the hills- where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Meanwhile, the compensation that we were receiving from L&I would come to an end in June 2008 when Jeremy finished school, which was paid for through the worker retraining- PTL!.  Jeremy continued to pursue job leads.  

We focused on God and the plans he had for us.  We trusted Him to help us through our seemingly declining circumstances.  

One afternoon in June 2008, Jeremy was waiting to hear back about a job he had interviewed for.  The phone call came and he was hired by McFarland Cascade Lumber Co. That same day we received our last check from L&I.  The Lord is good!  I was let out of my contract with Cascade, and we had our beautiful baby boy on Thanksgiving

Not only that, in our declining economy, Jeremy was given a 10% raise, a potential for bonuses and 2 days off a week.  I cannot believe the way God “reversed our destiny.” I was able to stay home with our precious baby boy. I remarked to Jeremy afterward that it felt strange not to get paid for doing a job anymore.  He told me that I am making an investment by being home with our son. So, the Lord can reverse your destiny, He did for us.

Fast forward to 2018:  After an accidental fire in our garage, we regrouped and prayed for God to lead us to a different job within the company.  We really wanted to move from our current location. After a long summer, my husband was offered a job clear across the United States.  We are now living a life we have dreamed about where our kids can run and play safely, and we have been so blessed to have found a church where we can worship and serve God with other like-minded believers.  I know that through all the ups and downs, God was working in my heart to trust Him above all things.  

Through these life experiences, my emotions ranged from doubt and fear to awe and wonder.  I spent many days and nights wondering what God was trying to teach me. He wanted my full attention.  He asked that I just let Him work out the plan. In 2018, my kids were old enough to walk through this situation with me.  We had many discussions about trust, fear, faith, and disappointment, and through it all, I pray that they saw that I was always placing my faith in my Father. 

Learn more about Shonda at her website: The Knowlton Nest.


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