{God Story} Doris Swift – Believing God’s Promises

Mar 9, 2020

After my banking career of almost thirty years ended, I experienced a difficult season in my life. 

Although I was still a wife, a mom, even a grandma, something was amiss with my identity.

For years I was a banker and then I wasn’t. As crazy as this may sound, it was as if someone had siphoned a portion of my DNA clear out of my veins.

The ironic thing was I never really wanted a career to begin with.

Through this season, God pruned my prickly pride and helped me embrace my true identity in Christ. Then He called me to write about how He is actively present in the lives of His children.  

This is one such story...

After leaving the bank and taking a much-needed hiatus, it was time to venture back to work, but to where I had no clue.

June would be the target month to return to work, and since it was only January, five months seemed like a long way off. 

I prayed and waited for God to send this new job to me in a neat little package, delivered straight to my doorstep like Amazon at Christmastime. 

But oftentimes our answers come after taking action and demonstrating our obedience and faith in Him. 

For instance, in 2 Kings 5, Naaman is healed of his leprosy when he dips in the Jordan seven times. At first, though, he wasn’t willing and wanted his miracle immediately. Then he wanted to step into rivers he thought were better than the Jordan. 

In the end, he listened to the wise council, took the right action in obedience, and he was healed.

I wanted to take action and trust God, too, yet I struggled with the fear of rejection.

What if nobody wanted to hire me?

When we allow our fears to dictate our steps, we miss the journey God wants to take us on.

I wonder if God chuckled a bit at the extensive laundry list of requirements for my perfect job.

His word says we have not because we ask not, so I asked…

“Father in heaven, I’ve been praying for a job by June and it’s now mid-May. Lord, if it is Your will, could you please work it out for me to find a job with:

  • No weekends
  • No holidays
  • No Fridays since I volunteer at Grace House
  • No nights
  • No retail or sales
  • Preferably in ministry
  • Not too far from home
  • Nothing in my former career
  • No going door-to-door with my resume
  • No interviews that would lead to rejections

Also, could you please reveal this job to me by June? Lord, forgive me, I don’t want to seem demanding (oops, too late). I trust You, Lord, with whatever you bless me with and wherever you send me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

I prayed in faith, forcing the double-minded thoughts from my head. I had to surrender my fear to God and trust He already knew where He wanted to plant my feet. 

Prior to this whole job-search thing, I was meeting weekly in an accountability group with Jamie, the Children’s Ministry Director at my church, and Kristin, who served on our worship team. 

The action I took was shaking off my prickly pride and sharing my need with these godly friends who would also pray with and for me.  

When you step out in faith the Lord honors your willingness to surrender. 

I remembered that the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and that one act of faith changed her life. 

He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.’

Mark 5:34, NIV

I wanted that kind of faith—the mountain-moving kind.

While praying on the morning of May 23rd, I got a call from Jamie:

 “Hi, Doris, got a minute? I have some news about a job opportunity you might be interested in here at the church.”

As she shared the details of this open position, my heart just knew:

“Administrative office position, Monday through Thursday 9am-4pm. No weekends, paid holidays, and no Fridays–the office is closed on Fridays.”  

After the call ended I remember laughing hysterically. I hadn’t been offered the job yet, but I knew God meant it for me.

After meeting with our wonderful pastor and office administrator on May 29th, I was offered the position on May 31st. 

Employment by June, check!

If you review my perfect job laundry-list you’ll see God didn’t miss a thing.

It was by no accident I was already meeting with Jamie and Kristin. God set that up well in advance—even before I knew, He already knew what I needed.

God is already taking care of what you don’t yet realize you need.

That was almost eight years ago, and God has opened many new doors since.

So pray big, step out in faith, and ask others to pray big with you. Expect a miracle, and when it comes, share about it. There is someone out there who needs to hear it.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Ephesians 3:20-21, NKJV

Connect with Doris:

Doris Swift is an inspirational blogger, speaker, podcaster, and author of Goodbye, Regret: Forgiving Yourself of Past Mistakes. In ministry for more than thirty years, Doris is passionate about encouraging women to walk deeper in God’s word and use their gifts to impact the world for Christ. Doris’s writing has been featured on popular sites such as (in)courage, Just Between Us Magazine, Life Letter Café, Thrive Global, and Purposeful Faith. Her podcast, Fierce Calling, inspires women to take action where their passion, compassion, and conviction intersect. Doris currently resides in Florida with her awesomely supportive husband Brian. They make date nights a priority, enjoy visiting historic cities, and love spending time with their children and grandchildren.

Fear-fighting Scriptures


Fierce Calling Podcast with Doris Swift

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