Be Courageous, Mom!

Jan 20, 2012

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)

Today was just wonderful. As I loaded groceries into our rental car minivan, Ethan decided to run up to the front and push every button and pull every knob. When I pulled out of Sams, I realized my hazard lights were blinking. I could not find the button to turn them off, so all the way home we blinked. It took me five minutes sitting in the parking garage and a call to mom to find the stupid button.

Then I realized my head lights were stuck on. Really stuck. The normal headlights button didn’t do the job. So I spent another five minutes pushing buttons and hopping in and out of the van to check to see if they were off yet.

Finally, I was able to unload the groceries. Then I unbuckled Ethan, and he promptly ran to the back of the van. It finally took him kicking and screaming with me dragging him by the hand to get him out. He proceeded to kick and scream ALL the way across the parking garage, at the elevator landing, and up the elevator. I pity the poor woman who had to ride with us.

When we reached the apartment, I promptly put him in his bed until lunch was ready.

The next few hours went well. As I was putting the boys down for a nap, there was a knock on the door. It was security. Apparently my van door had been standing open for the last  1 1/2 hrs. Oh, Joy! Thank, God, nothing was gone!

As I sit here now while they nap, I am so thankful that unlike me God that doesn’t need a break. He tells me to be courageous and then walks with me through the messiness of everyday life. The temper tantrums, the late nights, the daily grind of being a mother. He is with me right there in the middle of it.


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