Daily Time with God

Mar 7, 2011

A few weeks ago, I sent out a status update on Facebook asking if anyone knew of any good devotionals for moms. To my surprise, I got not one response! Since my fb friends are pretty good at commenting, I’m assuming this lack of response was for one of two reasons. Either there really aren’t any young mom specific devos out there, or not many moms have a chance to sit down for daily quite time.

Either way, this is not a good situation. As Kenda Dean’s book Almost Christian points out, the number one reason kids stay faithful after they leave home is because their parents had a personal relationship with Christ that was lived out in the home. From my own experience growing up and now, I believe this relationship starts with daily quite time spent with God. If we don’t personally know Christ by spending time with him regularly, how will we ever introduce our children to Him?

So I’ve decided to begin a research project. I want to discover answers to a few questions:

  1. What percentage of Christians are spending daily quite time with God?
  2. If so, why? What motivates them?
  3. If so, what resources have they found helpful?
  4. If not, why? What barriers are standing in the way?
  5. What resources are currently available to encourage daily quite time?

You can help me with the first few questions by taking the poll at the left, and either commenting on this post or messaging me on Facebook your answers to questions 2-4. Questions 5 I’m researching, but if you have suggestions, I would love to hear them good or bad.

My goal with this research is to discover, first, if there is a real need of a resource or tool to encourage adults, but especially parents, in their daily walk with God. And second, if there are good resources already out there that just need more publicity. Or if there are not resources out there, especially for moms, what type of resource(s) is/are needed?

The poll will be available until June 1st. So you would like to refer your friends here, so I can get a larger sampling of data, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for your help with this research!


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  1. jen

    Hi Tara!
    I do spend time every morning with God before the rest of my family gets up. This is MY time and I love it! I do a bible study called BSF on Tues mornings. It is wonderful for moms as it has childcare for kids 6mos – 6yrs. They learn what you are learning but on their level. We are studying Isaiah this year and it motivates me because it makes me accountable. We have homework each week and discuss it with our small group each week. Otherwise, sleep, children and life become barriers to my quite time with God. Hope that helps you!
    Jennifer McElroy

  2. Kelly T

    Hey there. It wouldn’t let me vote so I’ll just leave everything here. 1. Yes, I usually spend daily time with God. 2. I’m motivated by a few things… it helps me learn so much more about Him, it draws me ever closer to Him, when His word is written on my heart it helps me combat Satan with much better success than anything else I’ve found 3. I love to just find any study books to use to aid me in my daily devotions. I have done many Beth Moore studies but also others – I’ll just go to a Christian book store and look through their study materials until I find something I like. Also, a HUGE resource at my disposal but I guess not everyones is my support group of other Christian women. I participate in an email accountability group where we all read the same thing each day and then email our thoughts about it to each other. Sometimes we use study books and sometimes we don’t. It has been phenomenal in keeping me daily in the Word. 4. Barriers – days I don’t get it done are mostly because my flesh is weak… I’m too tired, too busy with the kids, or some other reason… but honestly I NEED that time to reconnect with Him and feel so much better when I make the time, even if it’s just five minutes. 5. I’m not much help here. I do think the technology of today really can aid even those in far off places – such as my email group, a blog or FB group, all holding each other accountable. I don’t have any specific resources to mention, though.

    I’ll be curious to see what you decide on this!!

  3. Kelly T

    BTW, that picture of Ethan is adorable! What a precious boy!!

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