The Tidal Wave ~ Tara Cole

Mar 3, 2014

Right now I feel like I’m getting chased by a tidal wave of information. Much of it is good information, but all of it together is too much. I’m drowning in it and can’t even begin to take time to think about what I’m reading in order to process it.

When complaining to a friend about my lack of ability to keep up with all of the information being thrown at me, even good stuff like Mom blogs and books, she made the observation, “What good it is to be stuck to the screen reading about begin a good mom when your kids are screaming for your attention in the background?”

Her question made me realize that I needed to cut back, cut way back, on the information coming into my life via email, Facebook, and other social media. Even the books on my shelf. What I decided to do was to begin with the blogs I was following, specifically those I allow into my inbox. I decided to keep one that spoke to me in this season of life as a Mom, one that mentored me, and one just for fun.

I’m finding out that the ones I actively follow via email (verses the one I subscribe to on my reader) change with my season of life and the lives of the writers. For instance, right now I’m in the market for a fun blog to follow since my favorite IamMamaHearMeRoar stopped posting a few months ago. By the way, if you have a good fun blog you follow, I’d love to hear about it.

So which ones am I actively following right now? My Mom blog is The MOB Society. Its a blog for mothers of boys. Though they post everyday and their posts cover all seasons of life with boys, they are an excellent Christian community for boy moms with lots of great information, answers to questions via Facebook, and this spirit of “you’re not alone.” I find the information and answers so helpful while I’m trying to be the best mom I can to my two active boys.

The Mentor blog I follow right now is Sally Clarkson’s I Take Joy. I found her through her son, Nathan’s, guest posts on the MOB Society. By reading his posts, I thought, “I want to hear what his mom has to say. He’s just the kind of son I would like mine to be one day.” Little did I know that his Mom is a prolific writer who’s ministry is to Moms and families all over the country. I’m currently reading the book she wrote with Sarah Mae, Desperate, and am learning so much about how to better minister to my family.

Other prrevious blogs I’ve followed activity different stages and really enjoyed have been: The Hands Free Mama, Graceful Mama (now, Sacred Mundane, and All these women are great writers who have spoken to me at different times in my life. But right now, since I need to cut the daily/weekly voices down to just a few I only follow them on my reader.

I’ve done the same with my magazines and books. I only subscribe to Writer’s Digest right now, because it’s the writer’s Bible and gives me good information that helps me keep going with my writing. And while I would love to get Better Homes and Gardens and others like it, I just don’t have that kind of time in my life right now. As for books I have my night time novel, table sitter (when I’m eating by myself), and my weekend devotional. All the others have to wait their turn until one of those spots are open.

If you, too, are feeling overwhelmed by information in this information age, consider downsizing drastically. Let that information tidal wave become a peaceful, life-giving stream. Let in only those voices that feed your spirit and encourage you in this season you’re living in now. I realize I may lose some readers with this suggestion, but I hope in the end you’ll gain more. More time to consider those things you are reading, more time for your loved ones, and more time to breath and just enjoy life away from the screen.


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