I love this website for Lisa's realness during the messy days of motherhood. I always come away refreshed and feeling like someone understands. I especially like her Five Minute Fridays where a whole community of women write for five min with no editing on the topic...
My Study Bible
For those looking for an in depth way to study the Bible, the My Study Bible site has many great resources. At your finger tips are FREE tools for Word studies, topical concordances, commentaries, and more! Next time I begin a book study, I will start here...
I love Joy's blog for the encouragement she gives. She is so real as she teaches from her real life stories on the mission field with her husband and children.
Hope for the Weary Mom
Oh, friends, am I ever excited about this book! When the first edition came out a few years ago, I felt like, "Someone gets it! I'm not alone!" I can't wait to read the new edition with 50% more content that will be released on Feb. 3, 2015. We will be doing a study...
The Busy Mom’s Guide to Bible Study
This book is great if you're new to Bible study or need some new ideas to dig deep into God's Word. Lisa walks you through 20 different Bible study methods over three months that can take as little as 15 min a day. At the beginning, she walks with you and by the last...
If you're needing encouragement to put down you edevices and stop hurrying in order to build better relationships with your family, you'll find it here. Through her own story of "rush, rush, rush," Rachel teaches us all how to slow down and make family a priority again.