Making Mealtime Meaningful

I have three sons. Getting them to sit down for devotional time can be a challenge. Okay, challenge is mild. It can be impossible with their little bodies constantly moving, usually all three in different directions at once! However, I long to encourage them toward...

4 Ways to Spend Time with God on Busy Days

I woke up hoping to get 30 minutes of quiet time to myself. The smell of coffee trailed through the house. The quiet rain pattered on the window. I relaxed into my chair, wrapping my hands around the warm coffee mug, and released a sigh. It had been a long week, and I...

How to Abide in Jesus

I’m exhausted. As the mother of three sons 7, 5, and 2, a wife, a teacher, and writer, life can often seem overwhelming. Blogs, Facebook, and magazines seem to tell me I can have it all. I can do it all. If I try hard enough, try this organization method, try this...

3 Great Book Ideas for Christmas

Hi Friends, If your family is full of bibliophiles like mine (A few Christmases ago my family gave over 20 books to each other as gifts!), or if you’re struggling to come up with a great idea this Christmas season, there are three newly released books I’ve...

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