by Tara L. Cole | Feb 1, 2015 | Bible Study, Devotionals, Women
There are many good online Bible studies out there and I like this one a lot. It’s for women who want to make daily quiet time a priority and want participate with a community of other women while they study, but don’t have the time or ability to show up...
by Tara L. Cole | Feb 1, 2015 | blogs, encouragement, Women
I love Joy’s blog for the encouragement she gives. She is so real as she teaches from her real life stories on the mission field with her husband and children.
by Tara L. Cole | Feb 1, 2015 | blogs, encouragement, Moms, Women
Oh, friends, am I ever excited about this book! When the first edition came out a few years ago, I felt like, “Someone gets it! I’m not alone!” I can’t wait to read the new edition with 50% more content that will be released on Feb. 3, 2015. We...
by Tara L. Cole | Feb 1, 2015 | blogs, encouragement, Moms, Women
I like this blog and website because it’s just so peaceful. Ann is the author of One Thousand Gifts, and her blog reminds us to be thankful, while also reminding you that someone else gets it. The stress, the stretch, and in it all finds peace.
by Tara L. Cole | Feb 1, 2015 | Bible Study, Moms, Women
This book is great if you’re new to Bible study or need some new ideas to dig deep into God’s Word. Lisa walks you through 20 different Bible study methods over three months that can take as little as 15 min a day. At the beginning, she walks with you and...
by Tara L. Cole | Dec 17, 2014 | Filling Up, Women
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the...