The four week dash!

Jul 19, 2008

Well, I’m going to sign off here for a few weeks as I try to get everything together before school starts. I have three classes to plan, and two are pretty much from scratch. Yeah, I know, you pro-teachers are rolling your eyes. But really! Trying to cram it in around working 8-5 and everything else isn’t working for me. And I don’t want to be like one of my students staying up late the night before to get the work done : ) So I’ll be back mid-August when school starts, and I quit the bank. Yeah!!! I know some of my students are dreading the beginning of the semester. But really I can’t wait!

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You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.

1 Comment

  1. RachelSoper

    Ummm…it’s totally been longer than 4 weeks. If you’re counting. Which I am.

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