I”m back….sorta

Sep 29, 2008

Okay, since Rachel said its been more that four weeks (and I guess it has) I figure I better write something here.

School has actually been going pretty well. I’ve been pretty swamped–six classes was a very bad idea–but I’m still loving it. I’ve taken up the first group of essays–165 to be exact, grading party anyone?–and I’m surviving it.

The last week or so has been pretty eventful. I finally got caught up on all of my grading and planning last weekend, and then Mom came and helped me clean my house this weekend. I know, those of you who have seen my house wouldn’t believe it, but I did in fact need help. So, whew! Now I’m all caught up and it feels great! Thanks, Mom!

So, today I decided to tackle another problem-Macbooks. I really am coming to hate that rainbow of color that greets me every time I walk into the 1:30 classroom. Rainbows are a promise, I’ve found out, but not a good one. They promise students will talk, they will not pay attention. They will be anywhere but the classroom. They will even pull out headphones, so they don’t disturb the rest of the class with their travels beyond the classroom walls–aren’t they considerate?

Today was my campaign against Macs. Sorry Apple. I told them I didn’t want to see a colorful rainbow when I entered my classroom. If they had to use them, they could do it before class in the hallway, not in the classroom. They asked what would happen if they had them out? I responded I would be happy to add them to our collection of Dells at home. I don’t have a Mac, yet. I would kinda like one. I didn’t see anymore Macs. Yeah!! We’ll see if it lasts…

Well Jeremy is gone again. Anyone surprised? But he comes home in just a few days, yeah!! This time semi-for good. No Honolulu, Washington DC, or Maui waiting in the wings. : )

Well that’s about it for now. Nothing too exciting, just lots of school work.



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1 Comment

  1. RachelSoper

    I feel like your posting is all up to me. I know you didn’t put a timeline on your next post…but it HAS been over a month…just sayin’.

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