Okay…Okay…I’ll Write!

Jan 23, 2009

So, a little background information…

For years God has been telling me to write. Whenever I ask him “what,” he tells me to sit down to write, and he will show me. I’m not very good at this last part. Especially evidenced by the fact that I couldn’t even remember my user name and password for my blog : )

It always amazes me that when we think we’re running away from God and his will, he’s actually drawing up closer. Over the last few months, even though I have been ignoring the other promtings, He has really been stretching my thinking on what it means to be in a relationship with him, and the power that is available when we let go and aren’t afraid to let him work in our lives. Most days I am nowhere close to letting go, but despite that he continues to teach me.

After experiencing spritial epiphany after epiphany last fall, I have felt rather dry this past month. I would read and study, and nothing seems to be getting through or “touching” me in any sorta of way. Yesterday, I was reading in II Cor. 3, and it seemed that instead of the veil being over Moses’ face and the Israelites hearts, it was over mine.

Today, when I sat down to do my quite time, I felt the urge to pick up Oswald Chambers’ book My Utmost for his Highest. I haven’t picked up this book in several years. Mostly because I find it hard to understand. Well, I listened and was amazed! Today’s reading was on II Cor. 3:18. I thought, “Okay, God. You have my attention. What do you want me to hear?”

The reading was about reflecting God’s glory by staying in close relationship with him. It also talked about not letting anything–even good things–come between him and our relationship with him. After I read this, I felt him telling me that NOW was the time to write. I needed to stop waiting till when I have more time, till we start having kids and I quit working, till whenever. He persuaded me that NOW is the only time I have. That I actually have more time now then I will later, and I needed to stop putting it off.

So here I am. I’m kinda terrified because though school isn’t overwhelming, yet, it could be later. If I commit to writing in the mornings before my classes, like I think He wants me to, that is a pretty huge time commitment. But I also think he’s right–I know, “well, no kidding. He’s God.”

I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to write, but I will keep you updated. I have several things already in the works from previous attempts at writing regularly, so we’ll see. I hope you enjoy whatever comes.

GB (God Bless),

T.L. Cole


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