Liam’s Lesson

Mar 28, 2012

But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me. ~Psalms 131:2, ESV

He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young. ~ Isaiah 40:11, ESV

Quick Sip

Liam is a good baby. I mean crazy good. (I still write that despite listening to him cry himself back to sleep right now and having endured a month of sleepless nights.) Whenever I pick him up it doesn’t matter if he’s whimpering, crying, or in a full blown melt down, he stops. Immediately. This has only not been the case three times in his life.

Watching the immediate calm that comes over Liam when I pick him up, has given me a very clear picture of how God wants us to respond to him as he holds us. When we are sad or scared, God longs to comfort me just like I comfort Liam. And just as Liam calms instantly when I hold him, God wishes for the same type of peace, no, an even deeper, far reaching peace to encompass me as He holds me.

Long Drink

As I think about Liam’s calmness when I hold him, the song Forever Reign by Hillsong United keeps coming to mind.

It gives me chills to hear that many people singing, “Oh, I’m running to your arms/ I’m running to your arms/ the riches of your love will always be enough/ Nothing compares to your embrace/ Light of the world forever reign!”
Oh, how God longs to embrace us like that! As I read through the Bible, on page after page I read of how he longs to be our Abba Father1, for us to run into his arms2, and allow him to calm our spirits when the world comes crashing in and becomes to much for us.
The key is trust. Just as right now Liam completely trusts me to know what’s best for him and to care for his needs, I need to trust God to have my best in mind and to care for my needs. If only that weren’t so hard, right? No wonder Jesus tells his disciples to be like little children3.
Little Liam, I pray that one day your precious spirit will trust God in the same way you trust me now. And that you will seek his embrace just as much as you now seek mine. Nothing in life is more important than that. Love, Mama 

1 Hosea 11:1-4; Isaiah 49:15-16
2 Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:34
3 Matthew 18:3

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1 Comment

  1. Tamika Rybinski

    glad to have found your blog! I hope you are doing well!

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