Jun 22, 2012

There is a poem called “Lord Speak To Me” that has really meant a lot to me over the years. It reminds me that even when I can’t see ahead God can and at the end of the day it will all be okay.

Times of silence from God remind me of times Ethan perceives I’m being silent or not moving. Right now he’s stuck playing in his room for “rest time.” Now I know the exact time frame for rest time, but he doesn’t. He just knows when the timer goes off he can get out. Even though I don’t seem present to him and he can’t see me, I’ve aware of everything that he is doing. And while he’s resting I’m preparing what’s to come next in our day. He can’t see those preparations, and it may appear to him like I’m doing nothing, but in reality that’s not the case. When the timer goes off rest time will be over and we’ll be off again to the next activity in our day.

This is like me and God right now. I feel like I can’t see him and he’s not really involved right now. It feels like I’ve been placed in limbo for an indefinite period of time. But God knows when it will end and I’m sure he’s preparing stuff for me to do when “rest time” is over. Like Ethan I just can’t see the preparations right now.

I just wish I trusted God as much as Ethan has learned to trust me. The first few times he was in rest time instead of nap time, Ethan really balked at the idea, but now that he’s used to it, and knows I will come for him, he’s okay with it. He trusts me to let him out when the timer goes off and to take care of him. I wish I could trust my heavenly Father in the same way. Trust that at just the right time, He’ll speak to me and come for me and won’t leave me in limbo forever.

Ironically, after I wrote this, this picture popped up in my Facebook newsfeed a few hours later…

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