Five Minute Friday: Risk

Jun 22, 2012

Risk. I don’t like this word much. (Does anyone?) I’m NOT a risk taker usually. I usually stick to things I know I can succeed in or where someone has specifically sought me out instead of me sticking my neck out.

Thus this blog is against my very nature. It’s a risk. Will anyone read it?! Will they like what they read? Will it all just flop? I don’t know, and that risk scares me. But God clearly said, “Go,” so here I am. Sticking my neck out everyday and praying it makes a difference. Praying that whomever needs this particular post finds it. Even if it is only one person.

Many would be nice, but one person matter a lot, too. I know when I find that perfect post that just speaks to me, it changes my day. Then those words effect my relationships with my kids that day, my husband, and anyone else I run into. They often reflect back into posts I write here. I may not quote them, but their finger prints are there.

So if what I write when I risk speaks only to one person, then it is enough…

Do you find it hard to study the Bible?

It doesn’t have to be.

Let me help you learn a technique for studying that makes it simple. Join me as we study one chapter each week and memorize two verses of scripture each month.

You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.


  1. Jess

    Well said! It’s risky, ya know?!! Connecting with others in an effort to shine Jesus. Keep shining…I have no doubt that someone will be led to you and catch a little glimmer in Jesus at the same time.

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