
Aug 31, 2012

Five Minute FridayToday we’re joining Lisa Jo over at The Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday. Every Friday writers join her and write for five minutes on one topic no over thinking and no editing. All are welcome! Come join the fun here–Five Minute Friday.


Honestly! I chuckled when I saw today’s word. Here I sit in the middle of boxes on my last packing day before our fourth, yes, fourth move this year. Crazy!

Change? I hate it. Thus one of the reasons we lived in the same house for the last, okay previous, nine years. But now God has called us to a season of change. So with two babies in tow, here we go again. This time off to completely new waters.

Jeremy’s job will be hard and keep him very busy, so it will be up to me to be the calmer of the chaos, the discoverer of fun, the friend and connection maker, the embracer of change. This change will be good.

We’re getting a little bit bigger place, Hallelujah! We’ll be very close to Jeremy’s work, Amen! (He’s been gone a lot of the last two weeks and that’s been hard on the boys and I.)…

Do you find it hard to study the Bible?

It doesn’t have to be.

Let me help you learn a technique for studying that makes it simple. Join me as we study one chapter each week and memorize two verses of scripture each month.

You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.


  1. Denise

    May you continue to enjoy the changes in your life.

  2. Ro Elliott

    wow…grace upon grace to you as you move and do all you need to do with little ones afoot. Oh I remember those days…small little ones…husband job taking him away…somedays I thought I would not survive…God’s grace met me every step of the way…keep looking to him to fill those empty spaces…He is faithful. blessings as you pack.

  3. T. L. Cole

    Thank you, Ro. Thank you for the reminder to keep looking to Him.

  4. Brenda

    I can relate to you…I haven’t moved as much as you in one year. But I have moved once and I’m still in recovery mode. All the paperwork and changing of address, new license, new house, new church…its a lot of change. I pray after you unpack these boxes, you will not see boxes again for a long time!

  5. Sisterlisa

    oooo an exciting change!! How awesome.

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