God’s Story: Crystal Chapla

Sep 5, 2012

This month’s God story is from my good friend, Crystal, whom I met while living in Hawaii this past fall. She was kind enough to ask me to join their play group my first Sunday back at Grace Bible Church Kapolei, and we had an instant connection. Crystal has such a welcoming and gracious spirit, and I hope you’re as blessed by the words she shares as I have been…

As I was thinking this week about what to write, my main thought was that I didn’t want to write about something from my past; I wanted to write about what God is doing in my life now. “What exactly IS God doing in my life now,” I found myself asking repeatedly. And then there was the question that stabbed my heart, “is there anything in my life worthy of sharing?” I went about life this week, loving my husband and son, nurturing and praying for struggling family and friends, teaching children’s church, participating in Bible studies and prayer groups, thinking that in the midst of all I was doing, God would speak to me about what to write. Well, I let the due date for this blog entry pass me by and flaked out on my dear friend who hosts this blog.

I woke up this morning convicted and cried out to God “What are you doing in my life now that is worthy of sharing??? Is there a beautiful work, something lovely and valuable?” And guess what? God spoke…to ME!!! Wow! He gently told me to look back over my notes from my Bible study groups, prayer groups, and devotional times for the week. I got so excited because instantly I knew there was a common thread. I pulled out my books and notes and here’s what I found.

There is something in me that the world desperately needs. 

 I read this crazy, difficult to believe statement in 2 different books for 2 completely separate Bible studies. I certainly want to believe this, but could it be true? Are you like me and cry out for significance and value? God was reminding me this week that he has a role for me, a role that only I can fill in His awesome plans for mankind. He has designed each of my days for His glory. He has ascribed worth to each and every day of my life. Sweet sister, this message is for you too!

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb…Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:13, 16)

This world desperately needs God, and as his image bearers, we have something to reveal of who He is. In you, sister, God wants to unveil His beauty; His nourishing, inviting, comforting, inspiring, and transcendent beauty.* Our God is beautiful and so are you! God has a role and purpose that only you can fill. You are irreplaceable to God. You are desperately needed! Ask Him and He will speak these words into your soul!

*These characteristics of beauty were taken directly from Elderedge, John and Staci. Captivating, Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul. Nelson Books, 2005.
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Bevere, Lisa. Nurture: Give and Get What you need to Flourish. New York: Faith Words, 2008.
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