Five Minute Friday: Graceful

Sep 7, 2012

Today we’re joining Lisa Jo over at The Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday. Every Friday writers join her and write for five minutes on one topic no over thinking and no editing. All are welcome! Come join the fun here–Five Minute Friday.


Hummmm….graceful. This one is hard for me today. I was a knobby kneed teen, who never felt graceful and as an adult some days I don’t feel much better. Just as I begin to feel graceful physically, I continue feeding my growing boy, and it slips right past me once again. For a few brief weeks on the way up and on the way down, I feel graceful.

But then I have lovely Spirit filled friends who remind me that graceful isn’t just physical or a thing that only ballerinas posses. It’s an attitude of the heart. As our friends reached out to us over the past few weeks as we prepared to leave our home of 10 years, I’ve learned that graceful is a welcoming attitude. It laying aside yourself to embrace another. It’s that Spirit of welcome and of family that goes much deeper than blood bonds…Maybe that’s the key, it is blood bonds, but Christ’s blood bonds are stronger…

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1 Comment

  1. Kimberly

    Such a lovely reminder that grace is an attitude of the heart! Thank you 🙂

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