Thursday Thoughts ~ Online Bible Study

Sep 7, 2012

Yes, I realize it’s Friday. That’s what happens when you get busy unpacking and forget which day it is. Oops!

Today let’s talk about our next Online Bible Study. I feel Galatians and especially Ephesians calling my name, so I’m going to listen and we’re going study them this time around.

We have about two weeks left in our 15 Minutes Alone with God study by Emilie Barnes, and I think we’re going to take a week or so break after its over. Since Oct. 1st is conveniently on a Monday and it’s my favorite month, we’ll launch our next study then.

Now for your thoughts…

  • What has worked for you since we began studying together online?
  • What hasn’t worked for you?
  • How (tools, frequency, content, etc…) could I do a better job of encouraging you to study God’s word daily?
  • What should I keep doing?
  • What suggestions do you have for improvement?

Please share your ideas with me. This site and especially this study is all about helping you to spend time with God and deepen your relationship with him, so you can in turn help others. In order to reach those goals, I need to hear from you. Please feel free to leave a comment on this post or in Facebook.

Have a great weekend! I look forward to reading your ideas!

God Bless,


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