You have said, “Seek my face,” My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek.” ~Psalms 27:8
It is always amazing to me the lessons God teaches when I take the time to seek his face. As I have been seeking him this week, he has been, once again, teaching me about trust. Though I say I trust him and I know that his love isn’t based on performance, I live differently. I live as if I don’t trust his heart for me, and I don’t.
[The] Father who is ready to comfort me. [The] Father who will hold me until I’m better, help me until I can live with the hurt, and who won’t go to sleep when I’m afraid of waking up and seeing the dark. (Max Lucado, The Applause of Heaven)
Though I still struggle with trust, and I’m still traveling down the path to learn to trust him again. On this journey, he is infinitely patient with me, giving me glimpses of insight, and helping me get one step closer to where he wants me to be–fully trusting him once again.