Five Minute Friday ~ Thank you

Nov 23, 2012

Thank you…. I’m thankful for times of transition that teach me so much more than the times of comfort. This year I have learned more about home, and realationships than I have in the last nine years staying put.

I’m thankful for a new awareness of how temporarty this world and the things here are, and a focus on the eternal over the temporal.

I’m thankful for a husband that comes home even after working 36 hrs and still has time to smile and cuddle his boys before laying down to sleep.

I’m thankful for family that I can return home to no matter where we wander.

Thank you all for your words of encouragement that keep me coming back each week and the community I find here each week. Thank you!


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  1. Beloved

    Hello neighbor at today’s Five Minute Friday. You certainly seem to be ministering to me, as this year I’ve learned more through trials than I ever learned at leisure. It is in those times, as you say, when we need to curl up close to God.
    I’m so glad I cam to visit.
    Peace and good to you in Jesus’ name,

  2. Mia De Vries

    I couldn’t help but saying a BIG thank you to our Heavenly Father for always receiving us back from our wanderings!
    Yes, the temporal has only come to pass, but only the eternal life in our Lord will stay! Visiting from FMF and enjoyed the depth of your words!
    Much love

  3. Stefanie Brown

    Beautiful thanks, my friend!!
    God is so good:))

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