Hide and Go Seek

Dec 3, 2012

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all of your heart. ~ Jer. 29:13, ESV

For months Ethan’s favorite game has been hide-and-go-seek. He loves to hide in the same spot over and over and make all kinds of sounds, so I know where he is. 

You know, God is the same way. He loves to be sought after. He loves it when his children turn to him and seek him. And, just like Ethan, he always hides in the same places and makes all kinds of noise so we can find him.

When I search for him, I find him in the morning or evening between the pages in my Bible. I read, “God. Loves. Tara.” I find him on my radio when I tune into my favorite Christian station. I hear, “I will be with you!”  I find him in blog posts of the Christian women that I follow and in the books I read. I read, “I understand.” I find him over a cup of coffee with a friend. I hear “You’re doing great!” When seek him and find him, he always speaks just the words my heart needs to hear.

And oh, yes! He makes all kinds of noise! The giggles of my children. The wind in the fall leaves. The sounds of Christmas. The colors in the sunset. All these things are God calling to me, “Come find me! I’m here! I’m over here!”

If you’re desperate, as quite frankly I am today, exhausted, and so over it all, come find him. I know it seems crazy and illogical to stop your already busy day to spend a few moments at his feet, but I promise you won’t regret it.

He tells us, “Splendor and majesty are before him, strength and joy are in his dwelling place” (1 Chron. 16:27, NIV) If strength and joy are to be found in his dwelling, then let me go there! I want to soak it up and bring it home with me for those days when Liam is fussy and clingy all. day. long. and Ethan throws three-year-old fits to rival the best of TV. Because I don’t have it. I’m simply not strong enough to be the wife and mother I need to be without his help.

If you need his help today too, let’s go seek him together. 1-2-3-4-5…Ready or not here we come!

Some of my favorite places to seek God:

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