
Dec 7, 2012

Five Minute Friday through Gypsy Mama is taking the month of December off, so instead I’m going to write for five minutes on our Advent word for the week. This week’s word is…


Wow! Love. Over the last 11 years I’ve learned the love I felt in high school has nothing on the love I feel or required of me on a daily basis now. That was a flame that burnt red hot for a while, but with no kindling to keep it going, it eventually burnt out.

Now. Now love has to been a deep burning, enduring flame. I may not always see the red hot glow like I did when I was a teenager, but this love is longer lasting, steady, dependable. Most importantly it doesn’t come from myself. I simply don’t have it.

The love I posses in myself would have burnt out long ago. Long ago our marriage would have been over, or I would have walked out after an especially hard day with the kids. I would have quit.

But luckily for all of us in the family, God can fill me with his love when I turn to him. And some days that’s an hourly if not minute by minute occurrence. “God, I cannot do this. I can’t. I need you to speak into this moment. To speak into my heart. To speak into this situation. Because I can’t, but I know you can.”

And you know what he does. He fills me with his love when I ask…

If you want to join me in my free write on Love, feel free to comment or link your blog post here or on Facebook.

Have a great weekend!


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