Understanding God’s Plan

Dec 12, 2012

Today’s guest post is from Amber Quaranta-Leech, my sister. You can read her God Story here. She has good insight into when God doesn’t make sense. I pray her words bless you today.

For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. ~ Jer. 29:11

Quick Sip

I. Don’t. Get. God.

This has been a rough couple of months and at times I have gotten, and still get, angry at God. He chose to take a 30 year old man with 2 young children and heal an older adult who has lived a good long life. A woman with brain cancer is sitting in a nursing home longing for the Heavenly home, while a family gathers around their father with an infection that he can’t fight and who has a 10 percent chance of recovery. I don’t get it.
There are so many times that I ask “WHY!?” and the only answer I get is “I’m God. I have this. You are not in control”. What! You mean that I can’t fix what is going on? Okay, so logically I get this, but I want Him to fix it. And sometimes his answer is no. While it is hard to take the answer of “no” I try to remember, he knows his plans. Though, he may not tell me what they are or why he does things. He is God after all. He says his plans are to prosper me and not to harm me. Then it comes to me trusting that he is true and faithful and to remember that he is God, and I am not.

Full Cup

I want it all fixed, and I want it fixed right now. I often wonder, since God can, why doesn’t he? Why do friends who long for children continually miscarry and others who don’t deserve to be parents (in my opinion) carry full term? I feel at times like David as he expresses in the Psalms

Why, O Eternal One, are You so far away? Why can’t You be found during troubling times. ~Psalm 10:1


My God, My God, why have You turned Your back on me” Your ears are deaf to my groans. O my God, I cry all day and You are silent; my tears in the night bring no relief. ~Psalm 22:1-2

O Eternal One, lend an ear to my prayer and answer me, for I am weak and wanting. ~Psalm 86:1

One thing I love about David and the Psalms is that David can be upset and cry out to God and also show the love from God.

Still, You are holy; You make your home on the praises of Israel. Our mothers and fathers trusted in You; they trusted, and You rescued them. They cried out to You for help and were spared; they trusted You and were vindicated. ~Psalm 22:3-5

Clap your hands, all of you; raise your voices joyfully and loudly. Give honor for the True God of the universe; Here’s why: the eternal, the Most High, is awesome and deserves our great respect. He is the great King over everything in this world. ~Psalm 47:1-2

I know and trust that God can make it right. As much as I feel angry he is big enough to handle my anger. He is the father who will allow me to throw a fit and yell and scream and then hold me and remind me that NO MATTER WHAT his love is still there. Even when I don’t get it.


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