Joy IN the Journey

Dec 14, 2012

If you’re like me, you don’t take much pleasure in car rides, especially long ones. We have a 16mo. old and a 3 yr old, so this is doubly true. I really just want to be there. However, I’ve found this attitude lately seeping into my everyday life. I keep telling God, “Yeah, here is great in all, but when will we get ‘home’?” “When will we get to where we can really set down some roots?”

This week especially, whether it be because of Christmas, Ethan’s Birthday, or just hormones I’m really longing for home again. But today’s reading was a great reminder that it’s not really the destination here that matters. It says,

You make know to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. ~Psalms 16:11

Reading this it occurred to me that joy can be found now, today, in his presence. I don’t have to wait for some arbitrary time: when we finally buy a house, when our family is complete, when Jeremy’s schedule is less crazy, when I get to… Joy can be found today.

God knows all about the destination. He wants to show me the “path of life,” he desires to “give me counsel,” but often his counsel consists of waiting and finding joy in him here, now, instead of setting my joy and happiness on some day that may never come.

Are you having trouble finding joy right where you are today? Then I encourage you to spend time in his presence. If you have enough time to read this, you have enough time to pull up your Bible app and read the verse of the day or find your favorite verse. Am I right?

Finding joy in his presence doesn’t mean spending hours there, though those times are nice. It’s spending time with God and focusing on him for even just a few minutes during your day. Joy is there waiting for you. Go find it!

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1 Comment

  1. Bobbi Mullins

    Thanks for this wonderful reminder. Joy is ours for the choosing.

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