Five Minute Friday ~ Opportunity

Jan 4, 2013

It’s Friday! That means another Five Minute Friday with Lisa Jo Baker the Gypsy Momma. If you’re a writer, please feel free to come join us!
Today’s word is Opportunity
As this new year begins, most are examining the opportunities available to them. It’s easy to get caught up in all the new things we can do or be and miss the opportunities right in front of us. As a gypsy at the moment, that’s really all I am guaranteed (Isn’t that all we’re ever guaranteed?).
Some of the opportunities I have right now are to focus on my boys without the distraction of a lot of house work or organizing. When you’ve moved 3 times in one year, there’s not really a lot of cleaning out or organizing left to be done. It’s kinda nice!
I also have the opportunity to pour more time into relationships. I’ve come to cherish this time more, since I really don’t know how long I have with my new friends. Instead of a reason to pull away, I take it as a reason to dive in faster, because I really don’t know how much time we have left.
One of the best opportunities to come from this time in my life is writing. I’ve always said I would take the time, but do to all my “blessings” I never had it…

Do you find it hard to study the Bible?

It doesn’t have to be.

Let me help you learn a technique for studying that makes it simple. Join me as we study one chapter each week and memorize two verses of scripture each month.

You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.


  1. Sylvia R

    I so enjoyed reading this, seeing those two little “mysterious opportunities” in the photo, and your photo alongside in the sidebar, wearing a smile that seemed to come from just enjoying them! You hit an important truth for all of us: When we aren’t moving three times in one year, we forget how fleeting our opportunities are! Your awareness is moving you to embrace the best of them with gusto! Thanks!

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