Five Minute Friday ~ Dive

Jan 11, 2013

It’s Friday! That means Five Minute Friday with the Gypsy Mama. You can get the low down here.

Today’s word is:


Wow! This is a hard one for me this week! It makes me think of diving into my life where ever I am. Instead of holding back because of the hundreds of excuses plaguing me, just diving in and finding out what happens.

That is so not me. I’m a total the planner. The only time I’m spontaneous and dive into anything is planned spontaneity.

But that’s what God is pushing, okay let’s be honest, forcing me into right now. Diving in where ever I am. Living only a few months in one place for the last 14mo, I don’t have any time to plan or decided where the water looks good. If I try to, I’ll miss the water all together.

So here I go. Diving in where I am and trying to relax and see what God has in store next…

Okay, wow! A whole minute left? Are you sure? So how am I diving in? I’m making new friends, seeking out new friends faster, and planning my perfect house less. I’m getting meals on the table however, and spending more time exploring our current location with my boys. Truthfully, I think I’ve done more outside my house in the few months I’ve been in some of these locations, than the whole 10 years we were in OKC…

Do you find it hard to study the Bible?

It doesn’t have to be.

Let me help you learn a technique for studying that makes it simple. Join me as we study one chapter each week and memorize two verses of scripture each month.

You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.


  1. Karrilee Aggett

    We are neighbors over at Lisa-Jo’s! I love that we both wrote about our Planner ways and how we are feeling called to be more spontaneous! I also loved that you listed the ways you ARE diving in… rather than the ways you are not! How faith building and encouraging to see what you are doing already… praying it will stir you up to even more boldness!

  2. Karrilee Aggett

    We are neighbors over at Lisa-Jo’s! (and we are both planners – feeling a call to be more spontaneous!) I love that you listed what you ARE doing right – what you ARE diving in to! Very faith filled! May we dive more and more!

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