No, It’s Mine!

Jan 16, 2013

Quick Sip

“No, it’s mine!” Ethan tells me because he doesn’t want to share the snack I just gave him. Needless to say, he has a bowl full of crackers that he probably won’t all eat, and if that weren’t enough, I have a whole pantry full of food and snacks I would be happy to share.

As I looked down at him cluching his bowl of crackers, I was struck by the thought, “Wow! I do exactly the same thing!” Hasn’t God told me,

Give and it shall be given unto you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you. ~ Luke 6:38

Whenever we ignore these words of God, and instead choose to hold tightly to the things he has given us, don’t we look the same as Ethan? Don’t we look at misguided as Ethan does clutching one bowl of crackers while standing in the middle of a kitchen full of food?

Full Cup

Psalms 50:10
Malachi 3:10
Pslams 85:11-13
Prov. 3:27-28

Do you find it hard to study the Bible?

It doesn’t have to be.

Let me help you learn a technique for studying that makes it simple. Join me as we study one chapter each week and memorize two verses of scripture each month.

You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.


  1. Student Mommy

    Wow. It applies to relationships too. I am an horrid friend. If you don’t come to me I just somehow never get to you… and I have noticed a severe shortage of friends out there – OK… most of them moved, but those that are still here need to be loved. Time to address this, I think.

  2. T. L. Cole

    You’re right! It is so easy to slip into being so busy with my stuff and kids that I forget my friends. I know I often have to be intentional about reaching out to them, too, but I’m oh so glad when I do!

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