
Feb 1, 2013


This is an interesting work this week. Once again I find myself afraid. Afraid of what the future might hold. Afraid of stepping out into the unknown. Afraid to trust God to give us wisdom and equip us for whatever and wherever he sends us. Afraid.

Then I’m reminded of what John said, “Perfect love casts out fear.” I think this is because out of  “perfect love” comes perfect trust. If I really believe God loves me, then I know no matter where he leads us he’ll also take care of us. If I really believe Jeremy loves and wants to take care of our family to the best of his ability, then I’ll trust him, even when I don’t see. Hard. Trusting perfect love is hard.

Then I see the picture of my boys when they are afraid. They don’t stand there trying to fix it or do it themselves. Immediately they run to me, knowing that I love them as perfectly as a mother can and that I will keep them safe. Their little heads hide in my shoulder as my arms wrap around them.

Should I do any less? When I’m scared and afraid, should I do any less than to run to my heavenly father, hide my face in his shoulder, and allow his arms to wrap around me?

This is a Five Minute Friday Post with Lisa Jo Baker the Gypsy Mama, no editing, no over thinking, just write for five minutes. If you’d like you can join in the fun here.

Do you find it hard to study the Bible?

It doesn’t have to be.

Let me help you learn a technique for studying that makes it simple. Join me as we study one chapter each week and memorize two verses of scripture each month.

You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.


  1. Janis Cox

    Beautiful. Yes run to Him as your children run to you. He is our peace and He will fight the fear with you.


    I love your blog title! So thankful for a God who stands there with arms wide open, ready to receive us! Have a blessed week.

  3. Ashley Ditto

    I can completely relate to this. You have such a heart for reaching people.

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