Fiction Friday ~ Rest

Mar 15, 2013


“Mom, I’m here,” Sara called out walking through the house.

“In here, honey!” Mom called out from the kitchen. I’m just pouring myself a cup of tea, would you like some?”

“Sure, Mom,” Sara replied entering the sun filled kitchen. The kitchen was a contrast to the one she’d grown up waking up to each morning. That one had been small and cramped. This one, though, welcomed you to come and rest. It’s seemed to have it’s arms opened wide to all who entered. She sat down in the warm breakfast nook as her mom poured the tea.

“So did you have a good rest, Sarah?” Mom questioned.

“We’ll, you know if it ironic how when I plan to rest thinking I’ll get a break to sit and just read, I discover God gave me that time for something entirely different. Restful maybe, but not usually in the way I planned…”

Fiction Friday is for me to have fun and get back in the habit of writing fiction. I hope you enjoy it! To check out the previous installments of this story click here. The first one is at the bottom.

I’m using the Gypsy Mama’s Friday prompts to get me started. Every Friday writers join together at for Five Minute Friday. One word, five minutes, no editing, and no back tracking. Come join the fun!

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  1. Lois [ Live Nourished ]

    Lovely. 🙂
    It’s great that you’re using the prompts to get five minutes of fiction done each time, too!
    God bless,

  2. CSterken

    I agree with Lois, very nice to see fiction as well. Good work!

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